Our french fries and potato co-products processing equipment sets the standard in the potato industry for dependability and can quickly and efficiently process potato products in a variety of ways, including fries, wedges, and a wide assortment of potato co-products. Our experts, together with our strategic partners, offer you full turnkey solutions, from spud to shipping.

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French Fry Production Blog Article

French Fry Production: Selecting the Right Fryer

Selecting the right fryer is a pivotal decision for potato processors aiming to process high-quality French fries — efficiently. With numerous options available, grasping the key features, benefits, and challenges associated with frying potato products in this category is essential to making a well-informed decision.

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French Fry Fryers Blog Article

Production Spotlight: French Fry Fryer

Our French fries and potato co-products processing equipment sets the industry standard for dependability, offering rapid and efficient processing of potato products including fries, wedges, and an array of co-products. Collaborating with our experts and strategic partners, we deliver comprehensive turnkey solutions — from spud to shipping.

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Metal Detectors in food and nutraceutical production

Metal Detectors in Food and Nutraceutical Production

The growing market for nutraceuticals and functional foods leads to additional challenges for metal detection which can be solved through the use of multi-spectrum technology.

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Ishida 50th anniversary blog article

Pioneering a better weigh for 50 years

In 1972, Ishida revolutionized the packaging industry by inventing computer combination weighing (CCW) technology. Ishida, the biggest name in weighing technology, offers the ultimate performance and delivers the top performing multihead weighing machines so their customers’ products are handled gently, cleanly, and efficiently.

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FastBack 4.0 Horizontal Motion Conveyor Blog Article

Beautifully simple

The FastBack® 4.0’s patented circular to linear motion design gently handles product so it is undamaged, and the coatings are undisturbed to provide the ultimate performance, flexibility, and highest travel rates and flow rate capacity in the industry.

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Metal detection for food manufacturers

Metal Detection—Single Frequency vs. Multi-Frequency

Metal is one of the most commonly found contaminants in food and can be introduced at all stages of food manufacturing. By identifying metal contaminants during processing or packaging, a metal detector helps ensure the safety and the integrity of a wide range of unpackaged, packaged, or bulk goods and helps to eliminate metal contaminants from a food manufacturer’s finished product.

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Packaged Product Being Rejected by Checkweigher

Checkweigher Rejector Options: Flip, Fall, or Fly

Checkweighers are designed to divert inferior product off the production line. Depending on a manufacturer’s product, Ishida provides several rejector arm options to optimize the checkweighing process.

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Potato product frying and seasoning machinery

How a Spud Becomes a Snack - Part 2

The steps involved in frying a sliced raw potato

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